Folks, Buckles’ journey is coming to an end as we’re wrapping up our SAFE TRAVEL FOR KIDS!!™ Campaign for September. We hope that this year’s message found you kindly. Car seat registration is a must! Just like other products, although they undergo rigorous testing and evaluation, child safety seats can be recalled. If you haven’t registered your child’s car seat with its manufacturer, they have no way of contacting you in the event of a recall.
If you haven’t already, make sure you head on over to our Evenflo Car Seat Giveaway registration page for your chance to win one of 12 Evenflo child safety seats. The contest ends this Wednesday, September 30th, at midnight. Good luck to all of our contestants; we thank you for taking part in our SAFE TRAVEL FOR KIDS!!™ Campaign.
Lastly, a HUGE THANKS goes out to our partners, Evenflo for their generous donation of car seats and their support of our campaign promotion, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) for all their help to support this initiative and campaign promotion as well. It was wonderful to be a part of CCHMC’s car seat inspection this month, and we appreciate their expert technicians for kicking off the month with us at Kings Island. We’re very proud of our partnerships, and look forward to promoting Child Passenger Safety Month with them again in 2016!