Oxford Financial Partners 401k Guide | Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association

Oxford Financial Partners 401k Guide

As a business owner in today’s economy, it’s imperative that you offer a quality plan to put your company in the best position to attract and retain talent.
However, managing all that goes into setting up and maintaining a plan can seem daunting. Whether it’s cost, compliance and administration, or quality plan service and employee education, there is quite a bit to consider when developing an offering.
Knowing your role as a fiduciary, reviewing plan fees annually, consulting an independent advisor and offering employees a financial wellness program that enables them to establish goals and plan estates while simultaneously managing risk, cash flow and investment strategies are important keys to creating well-structured plans.
We explore each key in depth in our guide that GCADA members are able to review through the following link:


GCADA members will soon be receiving a letter from us offering a free 401(k) plan benchmarking analysis. This report compares key items such as fees, investment performance, and service levels between your plan and others of similar size. Included in the mailing are case studies for two plans where we have been able to save north of $10,000/year in fees to each plan.
We look forward to stopping by member dealers  to introduce ourselves face to face and further discuss this opportunity.
Contact Tyler Henderson – tyler@oxfordfp.com / (513) 469-7014 – and visit www.oxfordfp.com for more information.