Dealers Encourage Teen Driving Safety During Prom Week 2017 | Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association
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Dealers Encourage Teen Driving Safety During Prom Week 2017

Prom and graduation are exciting times for high school seniors. It can also be a dangerous time for teens, with seven of the top 10 deadliest driving days occurring between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

To  underscore this critical time, GCADA is joining the National Foundation for Teen Safe Driving in Senior Promise 2017, a nationwide campaign that urges all students, parents and other community members to do their part to institutionalize smart choices for prom goers and graduates. 

Prom and graduation should be among the most exciting times of a students’ high school career.  Too often, these celebrations turn tragic especially when alcohol and drugs are present. In an effort to combat the challenges, many schools across the country require students attending prom to make a promise not to use drugs or alcohol. Senior Promise 2017 goes a step further by asking all members of the community to make a similar pledge to support smart choices during prom and graduation season, and underscores need for safe driving and good passenger habits.

Safety is a shared responsibility that requires a community-wide response.  Senior Promise 2017 urges all members of the community to learn about the facts and do their part to help teens stay safe as they celebrate these milestone events.  The call-to-action begins with a knowledge and understanding of the facts, followed by a pledge from each of us to support smart choices and safe driving to help make this a safe, exciting and memorable time for the Class of 2017. 

“Our one voice is limited but, when we amplify the message with the influential voices of automotive leaders in local communities, we reach millions,” states Roy Bavaro, NFTSD executive director.  “Greater Cincinnati dealerships are active members of their communities supporting many important causes.  We are grateful for their support.”

As a way of saying ‘thanks’ and encourage support, campaign participants can enter to win prizes that will be awarded weekly during the camping period.

For more information and to sign the pledge, go to or