World’s only wooden supercar | Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association
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World’s only wooden supercar

Joe Harmon, an industrial designer from Mooresville, NC has dared to be different, creating something from wood and glue that no one else has done before.  As reported by A.J. Baime of the Wall Street Journal, Harmon says that he’s wanted to design and build his own car since he was a kid.  It was while he was a graduate student that he decided to take himself up on the opportunity.

Harmon led a team of individuals who helped him make and build car parts for his design.  He says somedays he’d work on the vehicle 16-18 hours, then wake up the next day and do it again.  It took a total of about 20,000 hours, nearly a decade after he started, to complete.

The vehicle is called the Harmon Splinter, “the world’s only wooden supercar.”  The Splinter is a 700 horsepower vehicle primarily made of maple, ash, birch, and hickory.  Though the supercar has only been driven at about 15 miles per hour, Harmon says the Splinter has tremendous torque and power, and is also very comfortable.  Click here to view the entire article and more photos.

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