If you reported a car stolen well over a decade ago, it may be your lucky year to be reunited with that long lost baby! Gary Chartrand recently got a big surprise, when police called to tell him that they’d found his 1964 Ford Thunderbird, which had been reported stolen 33 years ago! The car was stolen from the Sacramento bar Chartrand was working at in 1981; but when police picked it up, it was 750 miles away in Washington State. “Apparently when someone tried to register it, Chartrand says, but exactly who took it, and where it’s been all these years is still unknown… He says the blue hardtop looks pretty much the same as he remembers it, with only a couple of new bumps and bruises.” Chartrand’s story is similar to another from back in June, when a Chevy Corvette that was stolen in Detroit in 1981, and was found in Mississippi. That car too was returned to its overjoyed original owner. To view the entire article, Click here.
Stolen 1964 Ford Thunderbird found 33 years later
Posted on September 10, 2014